Development of CBPs for improved AST of veterinary pathogens.
Using strains from the database and pharmacokinetic (PK) data from different sources.
Strengthening collaboration with institutions, research groups and companies .
Use the veterinary-specific CBPs for developing European animal- and disease-specific treatment guidelines, and supporting the adaption of these into national guidelines.
The first objective of WG3 is to make a priority list of animal- and infection-specific CBPs that are currently lacking for veterinary pathogens. Prioritisation will be based on further factors such as clinical importance and contribution of infectious diseases to overall antibiotic consumption.
The second objective is to retrieve data for establishing prioritised CBPs: WG2 will be the main contributor of PD data in the form of ECOFFs, whereas PK data are expected to pose a bigger challenge. WG3 will therefore use different approaches to obtain these data, namely by (i) literature searches, (ii) requests to pharmaceutical industry and academic collaborators, and (iii) active production of data as part of ongoing in vivo studies.
Finally, as the third objective, WG3 will perform mathematical modelling on collected PK and PD data, and incorporate available clinical efficacy data for creation of veterinary-specific CBPs.