Mapping microbiological diagnostics and treatment guidelines

  • Describe, compare, and review the methodologies and interpretive criteria used by diagnostic laboratories across Europe for species identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of veterinary pathogens.
  • Map and compare the availability, structure and evidence-base of veterinary antimicrobial treatment guidelines in Europe.

For the first objective WG1 will design and submit an online questionnaire to veterinary diagnostic laboratories across Europe. Results from the survey, and from interviews with microbiologists in veterinary diagnostic laboratories conducted during STSMs, will then be used to assess microbiological practices broken down by country and type of laboratory.
The second objective is to map and compare the availability, structure, and evidence base of veterinary antimicrobial treatment guidelines in Europe. This objective will also be achieved via an online survey and by working in close collaboration with authors and distributors of guidelines, including national veterinary organisations. Generic guidelines, such as those available from ISCAID, and national guidelines from countries outside Europe will also be included in the evaluation for comparison and inspiration.