ENOVAT surveys are open to get your feedback in veterinary medicine practices to avoid AMR
- News
- May 11, 2021
Treatment Guidelines, Diagnostic Procedures and Strain Databases surveys are ready for you and open until July 16th 2021.
- The Diagnostic procedures survey, which needs to reach as many Veterinary Diagnostic laboratories in Europe as possible. This survey aims to review the methods and interpretive criteria used by veterinary diagnostic laboratories across Europefor bacterial pathogen identification, antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST), antimicrobial resistance detection and reporting.
It takes ~22min. to complete the survey which can be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/39DJQ35
- Treatment guidelines survey. This survey aims to map and compare the availability, structure, and evidence-base of veterinary antimicrobial treatment guidelines and needs to reach practising veterinary practitioners working in first opinion and referral settings in the private sector and academia throughout Europe.
It take ~ 17 min to complete the survey which be accessed here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/VNRRCB6
Both surveys are run in English; supporting translations in several languages can be found at: https://enovat.eu/wg1/wg1-surveys/
- European strain database survey. This survey also targets Veterinary Diagnostic laboratories. With this short survey (approx. 5 min) we would like to get insight into the overall willingness, the parameters and the conditions under which veterinary microbiological laboratories across Europe would submit data on cryopreserved isolates (not isolates physically!) to the new European strain database of ENOVAT. After the survey, laboratories giving a positive response, will receive an excel sheet asking for parameters (e.g. bacterial species, source, year of isolation) on specific bacterial species either lacking clinical breakpoints for AST or not being identifiable by MALDI TOF MS so far.
If your laboratory is willing to make a valuable contribution to “European strain database survey”, please participate in the survey via the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GXY88XC
If you are aware of other relevant laboratories in or outside your country, for which participation could also be of interest, please forward this information and the link(s) to any laboratory who could give support.
Final deadline for participation in both surveys: 16th July 2021
Please forward the links to colleagues nationally and internationally and on social media (Facebook veterinary discussion groups, Tweeter and others).
If you have any questions about the surveys, for the Diagnostic procedures survey please contact Dr Dorina Timofte (d.timofte@liv.ac.uk), for Treatment guidelines survey please contact Dr Ana Mateus (amateus@rvc.ac.uk), and for Strain Database survey please contact Gudrun Overesch (gudrun.overesch@vetsuisse.unibe.ch).
The surveys will be run anonymously and full confidentiality maintained. The relevant ethical approval has been obtained for running the online surveys and participants will be asked for their informed consent when accessing the survey link. In both surveys, the only participant information to be collected will identify the country and what sector(s) the respondent currently works within; this data cannot be linked to particular individuals; in the guidelines survey demographic data from participants (age and gender) will also be collated. All contact information is listed on the participant information sheet.