ENOVAT is organizing a free webinar about subclinical mastitis therapy in lactation in Europe

On Wednesday, 21th September14:00 – 16:30 (CEST) you are invited to an exciting free webinar about subclinical mastitis therapy in the lactation in Europe. In the context of ENOVAT, eight mastitis experts from different European countries will introduce us in 10 minutes each to subclinical/high cell count mastitis therapies in their respective countries. During the webinar, commonalities and differences in mastitis therapies between those countries will be worked out and urgent research questions that should be answered scientifically in the field of mastitis therapy will be formulated. Therefore, everyone is welcome to contribute to the elaboration of these parameters during the webinar in the form of comments in the chat. The following programme is planned for this:

  • Start: 14:00 CEST

  • 14:10 -14:25 Karin Persson-Waller, Sweden

  • 14:25 – 14:40 Christian Scherpenzeel, Netherlands

  • 14:40 -14:55 Joze Staric, Slowenia

  • 14:55 – 15:10 Luis Pinho, Portugal

  • Break

  • 15:25 Peter Kovacs, Hungary
  • 15:40 Olivier Salat, France
  • 15:55-16:10 Andy Biggs, UK
  • 16:10-16:25 Paolo Moroni, Italy


We hope to have aroused your interest and look forward to an exciting, information-packed afternoon.

The link for the webinar is here.

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