Letter from the chair

  • News
  • June 18, 2023

I hope you are doing well and had a good start to 2023. In Denmark, it is officially spring and summer time, but looking out my office window it seems winter has not quite left Copenhagen. It was also cold in Pamplona one month ago where the latest ENOVAT meetings took place, hosted by our colleagues from University of Navarra. Nevertheless, the company of nearly 60 “ENOVATers” created a warm and cozy atmosphere, and I got a clear impression from the WG discussions and presentations that we are progressing well, both in terms of surveys, ECOFFs, maldi-tof criteria, clinical breakpoint development, and production of clinical practice guidelines for veterinarians. Some of these tasks have proven much bigger than we expected but your dedication and hard work, inspired by our great WG leaders and co-leaders, gives me confidence that we will get there fulfilling our deliverables. I am also pleased to see different spin-off projects being started already now, such as the inventory for veterinary microbiological diagnostic guidelines.

ENOVAT was supposed to end in November this year, but thanks to a “COST Covid help package” we have been granted six months extra, hence the official end date is now May 14th 2024. We are already planning the last deliverable, which will be a white paper summarizing ENOVAT results and looking into potential impact and sustainability of ENOVAT initiatives. This whitepaper will be preceded by an opinion paper and followed by a policy brief, as the intention is to target as many stakeholders as possible. Results will also be presented at a final conference or meeting next year. The exact time, place and format is yet to be decided, but we currently aim for Brussels in late March 2024.

I look forward to collaborating with you in this last busy year of ENOVAT. Feel free to contact me in case you have questions or wish to be forwarded any minutes or presentations from our recent meeting.

Best wishes,


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