“The best way to reduce antimicrobial resistance is to avoid antimicrobial use through good biosecurity and infection prevention”
Jeroen Dewulf is full professor in Veterinary Epidemiology at Ghent University Belgium. He has been conduction research for more than 20 years on antimicrobial use and resistance in animals as well as the prevention of epidemic and endemic diseases with a focus on the application of biosecurity measures. He is the principal author of the annual Belgian report on antimicrobial consumption in animals (BelVetSac) and chair of the JPI-AMR network on quantification of antimicrobial consumption in animals at herd level. Since 2009 he is member of the scientific committee of the Belgian federal food Agency and is the founder and chair of board of the center of expertise on antimicrobial use and resistance in animals (AMCRA) in Belgium. He is also the author of the book “biosecurity in animal production and veterinary medicine” as well as the book “8 myths on antimicrobial resistance disproved, practical guide for reducing antibiotic use in animal husbandry”